I misused my time and money to save yours…
Any negative feedback is also a great publicity for a badly made film. It eventually helps to cross a 100 crores mark as inquisitiveness of how a film can go wrong leads the audience to the cinema halls…
Thugs of Hindostan is the classic case study of over confidence from each and every department, inspite of two super stars, huge fundings, biggest banner, even the music director duo could not manage to give some decent songs. Action sequences were bearable but not valid at times. Editor should have chopped the film ruthlessly to reduce the unbearable length.
Ronakpur where the story of thugs is based is marked on the map in the centre of Maharashtra with no sea around. But in the entire film, the palace of Ronakpur is shown built adjoining the sea… The entry of Aamir Khan looks like shot in the barren jungle of Vasai Vihar near a small river stream with not so great support from side actors. All looks so fake…
The director completely got overshadowed with the presence of mega stars and lost his plot to weakest screenplay, story, performances… In fact the plot based on girl’s revenge cannot justify the title Thugs of Hindostan…
For the first time in interviews, I saw Aamir Khan being defensive and justifying himself for doing a film… A great opportunity has being wasted and ship sank before it could even sail…
The entire film was a joke played on us but most hilarious was Katrina, her dance and dresses. A character placed only to woo the non intelligent public for whistle and cheers that failed miserably too…
The only thing that got my attention was Mr Bachchan and his humongous energy. Sadly even that got hidden under the hairy face and turban…
After seeing ToH I can only say,
Thugs ने थकवले मला… Hushhhhhhh